Form 17

The Patents and Design Act, 2020

(Section 105)

Application for Rectification of the Register

1. Your reference :

2. IP Type Number

Select the appropriate option

3. Applicant's Detail

Registration number :
3. Full name of each applicant or proprietor *:
4. Address of applicant *:
Nationality :
Email address *:
TRN *:
4. Entry on or omission from the Register to be rectified:
5. Details of rectification requested:
6. Agent's name *:
7. Service address:
Service email address:
8. Application Fee $:
Processing Date:
9. Contact's name *:
Contact's address:
Contact's telephone number:
Contact's email address:
Contact's fax number:
E. You may us this form to initiate proceedings under more than one provision or in respect of more than one patent, utility model or registered design, as long as the same cause of action is involved. in this case, you need to pay only one fee.